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Class of 1920

Edward Ackerman

Walter Beldin

Nora Bradley Eithenberger

Irene Brehm Ake

Wilma Butcher Holberg

Verda Chapman Phillips

Loren Dawson

Florence Edwards Linton

Stanley Fullwood

Dagmer Gustafson

Thelma Hague Yates

Ruth Hanke

Helen Hirmon Kier

Alice Kauffman Tabor

Jessie Kelly Weaver

Jeanette Kirby

Thomas Long

Alice Moran Poutre

Benjamin Norris

Grace Oswald

Bruce Parrish

Mary Phillips Maiwald

Ralph Rusher

Louise Shields Bartlett

Eula Shoff Campbell

Raymod Smith

Elmer Sprague

Ethel Sprague Shawn


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