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Karen Maguire
Secondary Secretary
Karen Maguire image

Hi! My name is Karen Maguire and I am the current Secondary Secretary. Wymore has been my hometown my entire life except for my college days.

Contact Info:
Email: kmaguire@southernschools.org
Southern Jr-Sr High School Office. 402.645.3326

1990 University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
1986 Southern High School

April 2012-present  - Secondary Secretary at Southern High School
February 2005-April 2012 - domestic engineer (stay at home mom)
January 1995-February 2005 - Gage County Deputy Clerk
April 1991-December 1994 - Gage County Clerk's Office

My husband Keith is an engineer with Union Pacific Railroad. We have 3 children, Erin, Kyra & Kale and 1 grandson, Jayden. Keith enjoys golfing and being outdoors.  I enjoy most sporting events and walking. Also, we enjoy attending our children's activities.

Phone: 402-645-3326 Email: kmaguire@southernschools.org 

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