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Southern FFA

Southern FFA has been up to a lot this first quarter. We attended Husker Harvest Days, turned around, and competed at Range Judging in Belwood Nebraska the next day. We have land judging in October along with some community service activities. We stay busy learning and growing, enjoying every minute of it.    

Big Give Artists

Art 3 & 4 students were allowed to paint the BigGive signs posted around our community. The Cohorsts provided the wooden planks for the students to get full creative liberty to spread the BigGive message throughout our community: Give Where You Live!    

Career Days

SCC’s Career Days provide students with hands-on experience and an opportunity to get a firsthand look at career opportunities in each industry. Careers in Construction Day was held at the Milford campus; Careers in Ag Day was held at the Beatrice campus.    

Job Skills Class

Students in Job Skills are expanding their Southern Swigs and Sweets business and creating merchandise. Thank you to the patrons for contributing the feed bags.    

Moving Along Quickly

WOW!! It seems like school has just started and we are already seven weeks into the first quarter. Everything is in full swing and our students and staff have been very busy in the classroom and with activities. I have been extremely pleased with our students and how they have come into the year ready to learn and how responsible they have been when it comes to showing up to class prepared and getting work completed. Also, the respect they have shown towards fellow students, and staff members and the respect they have shown towards . . .

SDO Thunder Softball

The Southern Diller Odell Softball Team has had a successful season so far. The girls have been working hard and are 9-10 on the season. The Thunder were Champions of the Auburn Invite, placed 5th at the Falls City Invite, and won the Wilber Triangular. Keep up the great work, Thunder!  

Drug Abuse

The Freshmen Health Class had a guest speaker to discuss the dangers and trends of drug abuse in Gage County. SRO Mike Hager discussed many different topics that influence drug abuse. He also discussed the primary drugs of choice in our area, and why certain drug use is prevalent. He was able to answer questions the students had about drug laws and the use of synthetic "legal" drugs.  

FFA In Full Swing

FFA has had a busy last quarter of school. From competing and attending state FFA Convention to the FFA banquet. The students have been learning and gaining valuable skills that will help them in their future career goals.    

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