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Southern just received a Diamond Certification in School Safety!

Aug 14, 2024

Southern just received a Diamond Certification in School Safety! Out of the 244 school districts in Nebraska, only 4 school districts have received a Diamond Certification through the Nebraska Department of Education (NDE). Schools across Nebraska are putting in the hard work to complete an Emergency Operations Plan, required trainings, drills, and all the other best practices to "Place School Safety First". The NDE School Safety Team wants to highlight this commitment by awarding different safety certifications . . .

Stay connected with Southern Public Schools

Here is a list of all the possible ways to know what is happening at Southern Public Schools.  If you have any questions, please email, Mrs. Fralin at cfralin@southernschools.org. Our goal is to keep everyone in the loop of all the possible ways to know what is happening at Southern.   Stay Connected

Southern is liquidating past yearbooks.

Here is a list of the years that we currently have. If you would like one (free), please contact the school. 1980, 82, 90, 96, 97, 98, 2000, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, & 15.

Southern Schools Gets Social Media

Please follow us on Facebook at southernpublicschools. You have to type it all together to find the correct one.    We we also have a Twitter account. @SHSRaiders1 You can also link from our website. 

Paperless Board Meetings

  Paperless Board Meetings (Sparq Data Solutions)   In an effort to be more transparent and fiscally responsible, Southern Public Schools will start to utilize paperless board Meetings through Sparq Data Solutions at the January board meeting.  Through Sparq Data Solutions, everyone will now have the option to subscribe to stay up-to-date with Southern school board meetings, agendas, and minutes.  The first official agenda will be available to the public on Thursday, January 4, . . .

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