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Daily Announcements

January 14, 2024

Tuesday's Lunch Menu: Fiestada, Baked Beans & Frosted Graham Cracker.


Wednesday's Lunch Menu: Lasagna, Garlic Bread & Green Beans.


Wednesday's Breakfast Menu: Breakfast Pizza & Juice.


MUDECAS GBB/BBB Tournament- Monday, January 13-Saturday, January 18- GBB- "B" Division-Friday-Southern(5) against Parkview Christian(8) at 4:15pm at Beatrice Middle School. BBB- "A" Division-Tuesday-Southern(6) against JCC(3) at 3:30pm at the Beatrice City Auditorium. Dismiss players at end of 6th period (2:07pm), leave at 2:20pm. Win play Thursday at 8:00pm; Lose play Saturday at 1:15pm at the Beatrice City Auditorium. Good luck!!!


GBB team will be dismissed Tuesday at the end of 7th period (2:57pm).


JH Quiz Bowl: Reminder that practices are Tuesdays before school @ 7:30 am, Wednesdays during IAP, and Thursdays after school until 4:15pm. Our first meet is January 27th @ Freeman, and you will need your permission slips turned in before then inorder to be allowed to compete! If you are interested in joining, see Mrs. Clay!


JH Robotics: Reminder that practices are Mondays during IAP and Thursdays before school at 7:30 am. Our competition is March 12th @ ESU5.


FBLA meeting on Tuesday during IAP in room 104.


Art Students- If you took art first semester and left artwork in the art room please pick it up by the end of the week or it will be recycled.


Seniors- The first Scholarship Workshop will be held Monday, January 20th. There is a session after school and another one in the evening. This provides seniors a dedicated time to work on scholarship applications and have access to me for assistance as needed. Sign up by the end of day Friday...Subway will be provided!


Comments? Something to put in the bulletin? Email to kmaguire@southernschools.org

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