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5th Grade Race CO2 Cars

May 20, 2024

As our final 5th grade science project, the 5th graders designed and then raced CO2 cars. Once it was designed and cut, the kids spent time sanding and finally painting their cars. Winning in Miss Bartels's class was Reeve Maxson and Robert Knarr was the winner from Mr. Bednar's class.    

End of the Year Countdown

May 20, 2024

Day 9 Game Day - Mrs. McConnell’s 2nd grade reading class had fun learning through games! We built compound words with partners.  

GLOWing on to 1st Grade

May 20, 2024

To celebrate the end of the year, both kindergarten classes had a glow day. Our day consisted of different review activities, such as subtraction bowling, cvc words with glow sticks, and much more. The kids had a lot of fun showing off what they learned throughout this year glow day style! :)  

6th Grade Field Trip

May 14, 2024

6th grade students had their field trip Friday, May 10th to Worlds of Fun. The kids had an amazing time and we appreciate all of the parents who came and spent their day with us.  

Kids Heart Challenge

May 14, 2024

Once again, our Kids Heart Challenge Fundraiser was a huge success. THANK YOU so much to the kids who took the time and made the effort to raise $3,545.00 that was donated to the American Heart Association.  

Park Day

May 14, 2024

First graders did AWESOME on improving their DIBELS scores, so they were rewarded with a trip to the newest park in town! They really enjoyed playing on the different equipment, getting together with both classes, and spending the afternoon outside.    

4th Grade Field Trip

May 7, 2024

4th Graders took a field trip to the State Capital where they learned about the history of the capital and had lunch while learning about agriculture in Nebraska. They also visited Morrill Hall and saw lots of exciting exhibits.  

A Day on the Farm

May 7, 2024

3rd Graders attended A Day on the Farm at the Gage County Fairgrounds on May 1st. The rain held off and we enjoyed the outdoor activities, It was a morning filled with 7 different stations. Poultry Egg-Citing Chickens Eat the Rainbow Veterinary Care Swine Everything but the oink Sheep are Ewe-nique Beef Wow the Cow Dairy Moo to You The students enjoyed hands on activities and even took away valuable information to use in their daily lives.  

Let's learn science!!

May 7, 2024

The 3 year old preschool class has been studying different science topics. They learned about weather and did science experiments to learn about the wind. They also learned about the solar eclipse and and made a model to show their families.    

Partner Reading

May 7, 2024

2nd graders combined classes and enjoyed each others company with some partner reading.  

Patriots or Loyalist

May 7, 2024

Mr.Bednar's class has been learning about the Patriots and Loyalist during the Revolutionary War and put their debate skills to the test to decide if a statement came from a Loyalist or a Patriot!  

Reading Rally

May 7, 2024

Southern Elementary 5th and 6th grade Reading Rally team competed against other area schools at the ESU on March 26th. The team read books and prepared questions for the competition. Team members are Issac Lundstedt, Kinslee Frerichs, Sophie Rakes, Chezney Pollman, Aleric Clay, Aziza Collier, Ava Schlake, and Talon Decker.  

Talking to the Farmers

May 7, 2024

Pre-K got to FaceTime two farmers to learn about crops and cattle. They each got to ask their own question. They were able see different equipment, seeds, and animals that aid in farming.  

Dr. Seuss Week!

Mar 21, 2024

Students celebrated Dr. Seuss week this quarter! We participated in book-themed dress up days, fun activities, story time, and book buddies. Older grades came down to our classrooms to read to us, and first graders were very excited to learn more about Dr. Seuss’s silly stories!  

Kindergarten Habitats

Mar 21, 2024

This past quarter in kindergarten we have been learning a lot about animals, animal needs, and the habitats they live in. To wrap up the unit on animals, each kindergartner chose a different animal to make out of clay and paint. After that, they turned old shoe boxes into habitats for their animals, ensuing they put all of their animals needs somewhere in the box (food, water, shelter, ect.). After that they placed their animals in their boxes and got to share about their animals with the other class.    

Life Skills for Southern Elementary Students

Mar 21, 2024

The PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Team at the elementary school is excited to have implemented a new program to promote life skills which includes interviewing skills, money skills, people skills, writing and inventory skills. An elementary student council member will team up with a life skills student, and they will mentor them on the various skills as they manage and maintain a snack cart for the elementary staff. This will create an environment which fosters many job skills and positive social skills between . . .


Mar 21, 2024

Second graders in Mrs. Sabey's reading class have been learning about games around the world. They recently learned about one of the oldest games in the world called Oware that originated in Ghana. This game helps you become good at math and is called Mancala today. Students enjoyed learning how to play this game while practicing up on their math skills.    


Mar 21, 2024

Every spring the ESU hosts a robotics competition for grades 6-8. Southern entered two teams again this year. This competition enables students to learn how to code and design robots for specific tasks. Starting in January, the teams began preparing for the competition. They had to build the robot and code it to get through a maze using sensors. They also had to use a 3D printer to make parts to use during the “Battle Bot” competition. The team needed to record various things that they learned throughout the process in a . . .

3rd Grade Severe Weather Contest

Mar 13, 2024

The third graders have been learning about the different types of severe weather in Nebraska from thunderstorms, lightning, tornadoes, flooding, and blizzards. The students participated in a severe weather poster contest held by the Emergency Management.  

6th grade Germ Hunt

Mar 13, 2024

The 6th grade students collected samples from different sites suitable for bacterial growth from around the classroom. They then cultured these bacteria in growth plates to see what interesting things they could grow.    

Elementary Student Council

Mar 13, 2024

Southern Elementary started a student council this school year. Two students from, a boy and a girl, represent the 4th, 5th, and 6th grade. Student representatives were selected by the teaching staff as being students possessing high character attributes. The student council has helped make decisions regarding school celebrations, helping organize Red Ribbon Week, and sponsoring spirit days among other things. This group of students have worked to help provide positive experiences for all the students at Southern Elementary. Student . . .

Homestead Visitor

Mar 13, 2024

  In the past few weeks, fourth-grade students have been studying the history of Nebraska, particularly focusing on uses of the buffalo by early inhabitants. Recently, we were honored to host a special guest Ranger from the Homestead National Monument. The Ranger brought along a buffalo skin and various other parts of the buffalo that were integral to the daily lives of Native Americans. This hands-on experience enhanced students' learning and brought history to life.    

Pre-K Exploration

Mar 13, 2024

Mrs. Freese's Pre-K class has been exploring new ideas and senses around the room. The kids are learning about healthy bodies and minds. They have also been discovering sensory play!    

Read Across America at Southern

Mar 13, 2024

Southern Elementary students celebrated their literacy during Read Across America Week. Some activities included dress up days, building wide reading buddies and a special guest speaker! Former Southern Elementary student, Sydney Saathoff, visited and shared her journey to becoming an author and illustrator.    

Christmas Compound Words

Jan 11, 2024

Mrs. Sabey’s second graders have been studying compound words in the language curriculum. This week they practiced figuring out and writing Christmas compound words!    

Elves at Work!

Jan 11, 2024

The 5th graders have been as busy as elves getting school work done as well as decorating wine bottles. We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Marble Run

Jan 11, 2024

This last quarter both kindergarten classes have been learning about motion, speed, and direction in science. To wrap up the unit the kids all brought recycled materials from home to build a marble run with together as a class! Throughout building the marble run, the class went through the 5 steps of a "design process." They 1-stated the problem, 2-planned, 3-tested, 4-revisited/revised, and 5-communicated the results. They had so much fun discussing what worked, what didn't, and why or why not.    

4th grade Science

Dec 19, 2023

Students in 4th Grade made "roller coasters" while studying gravity and laws of physics. They used foam for the track and 3 different materials of marble. They had to create a drop, a loop, and a hill to test different weights. They used their marbles to see how far they would go on their coasters. The goal was to get them from start to finish. Only a couple of groups were successful but they had so much fun making these "roller coasters" and making changes to get their marbles further each time.  

Reading Practice

Dec 19, 2023

Mrs. Ware's Reading students are getting lots of practice this quarter. Students take home reading homework to read to parents weekly. Repeated practice at home helps with fluency and polishing up other literacy skills that are taught in class. Students get to mark their homework chart and when it's filled they get a prize!    

Stirling Engines

Dec 19, 2023

6th-grade students learned about Stirling Engines in Distant Science. They had to show which type of energy was needed for each stage of the process to make the Stirling engine move.  

Balancing Robots

Dec 15, 2023

3rd-grade students have been learning about balance, push, and pull. They had a chance to balance a paper robot using a sticky tack, and two items either pennies, paperclips, beads, or beans. The students had to try different items to balance their robots on there The students worked together to get ideas of how to balance them.  

Being Respectful

Dec 15, 2023

This quarter Pre-K has been learning what it takes to be a Rip Roarin' Raider. They have been learning how to be safe, responsible, and respectful! Jaidyn was the Student of the Month in November by earning the most Rip Roarin' Raiders!  

Gingerbread man visits preschool

Dec 15, 2023

The gingerbread man visited Mrs. Manley's 3-year-old preschool class. He left lots of notes and fun activities for the students to complete. Some of their favorites were building a house for him with magnet tiles, following a map of the classroom to find him, drawing pictures for him with his special paper and pencils, and reading a story that he left the class.  

STEM in the Library

Dec 15, 2023

The high school Digital Media students have been learning how to use Glowforge and 3d printers. 3rd grade students at the elementary had to build a catapult for a pumpkin catapult competition. 

What warms your heart?

Dec 15, 2023

4th, 5th, & 6th-grade students participated in a mindful activity to calm their bodies and minds at this busy time of year. We then discussed and worked on projects that related to things that truly warmed their hearts. The theme of the projects centered around a cup of warm cup of hot cocoa. While completing their project, they enjoyed a cup of cocoa.    

WORDS Project

Dec 15, 2023

Southern Elementary is participating in a K-3rd grade literacy grant through the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. The WORDS Project is a research-driven professional development program designed to support the state of Nebraska's efforts to improve the early literacy skills of our students. The project provides teachers with additional literacy training, after-school tutoring for students, and assistance for teachers to help them better interpret assessment data. The WORDS partnership has provided valuable assistance for the teachers . . .

2nd Grade Visits Arbor Day Farm

Oct 30, 2023

The 2nd graders went on a field trip to Arbor Day Farm in Nebraska City. They learned all about bees, pollinating, and the apple picking and sorting process. They also got to see how apple cider is made and even got to try some! It was a fun and educational day!    

Fire Safety Week

Oct 30, 2023

Both Kindergarten classes spent the week of October 9th learning about fire safety and what to do incase of a fire. To wrap up fire safety week they got a visit from the Blue Springs Fire Department on Thursday. The fire department reviewed fire safety with the kids, showed them their tools and gear, and let them sit in the truck!    

Homecoming fun!

Oct 30, 2023

First graders got to participate in the excitement of homecoming week this quarter. Their favorite activities included dressing up, having guest readers, and listening to a former Husker football player speak! Go Raiders!    

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Reading Interventions

Oct 30, 2023

Students who are involved in reading interventions at the elementary school receive short, explicit instruction and practice in skills that they may have a deficit in. Many students get extra practice with sounds and blending words. Other students may get extra practice with advanced phonics skills and reading fluently. Students set goals to work towards and progress monitoring and benchmark assessments help us examine whether they are on track to meet those goals. Learning to read is a very challenging process and growth whether big or . . .

5th Grade Grow Tower

Oct 10, 2023

The 5th grade is once again supplying lettuce/salad for lunch. They planted seeds in the 1st part of September. Once the seeds were sprouted they were transferred into the Grow Tower. 5th graders are taking turns with various jobs involved in the process. They harvested their first crop and are enjoying their harvest!  

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Mr. Hookstra Our New Elementary Principal

Oct 10, 2023

I have enjoyed the start of the school year and appreciate the opportunity to lead Southern Elementary in my new role as principal. I am most appreciative of the opportunity to develop new relationships with both staff and students. Our staff is incredibly caring and dedicated to serving all students in the Southern School District. I am impressed with their willingness to go above and beyond for the benefit of students. While there are challenges that accompany any new role, I look forward to growing and learning each and every day. . . .

3-Year Old Preschool

Sep 26, 2023

The students in the 3-year-old preschool have been having fun learning how to use the tools that are important in school. We started the school year by working on holding a marker correctly, cutting, gluing, and playing nicely with our friends.  

5th & 6th Grade Students work on team building and stress relieving skills.

Sep 26, 2023

The 5th and 6th grade students worked in groups to strengthen their team-building skills. They had to accomplish tasks, listen to other team members, and make decisions. In addition, the students were introduced to manipulating play dough to tighten and release the muscles in their hands which helps release the tension they hold in their body when stressed.    

Beginning of the Year Distant Science

Sep 26, 2023

The 6th grade students worked with Patrick from the ESU 5 and they learned how to dissect a sheep's eye. The kids were excited and did a great job following Patrick's directions and asking questions about the eye.  

Exploring the Room

Sep 26, 2023

Mrs. Freese's pre-k class has been enjoying the first few weeks of school. The students have been able to explore different areas in the room. Shay is exploring the dramatic play center where she is learning about playing with others, following rules, and cleaning up.    

Science Fun

Sep 26, 2023

First time meeting our Science guy (Patrick) from the ESU. We had fun working with dry Ice and learning about carbon dioxide. Students got to sample root beer made from dry ice.  

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