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Class of 1926

Violet Ackerman

Carrie Adkins Buresh

Helen Antram Fredericks

Bertha Barnett

Gusty Bednar

Frank Bingham

Ellen Caldwell Miller

Ellsworth Closs

Donald Coffey

Claude Crisler

Donald Dawson

Virginia Dill Howette

Roland Ehnen

Verbarie Elliott Delaney

Katherine fisher

Phyliss Gavin 

Marie Gerdes

Lois Hague DeBolt

Helen Heusman

Elma Hughes

Gordon Jones

Marguerite Jones

Howard Kelly

Johnnie Kincade

Virgil Marshall

Helen Munyon

Marlowe Pearl

George Roderick

Clarence Shoff

Gladys Sprague Philippi

Alma Wilson Richards

Donald Brown

Maxwell Ellis

Millard Norton

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